

刘凌 To B CGO 2023-11-01

国内B2B营销资料少之又少,国外的资料又很少传入国内。因此To B CGO决定将国外优秀的B2B营销资料、书籍翻译成中文,分篇幅发布出来,以便供国内To B市场人学习与探讨。


目前我们翻译的是《订阅营销》第6章,作者是Anne H.Janzer。

本篇译者:刘凌 微软(中国)高级市场经理


There's nothing most marketers love more than a good launch. A product launch, a company launch, a book launch—you name it, we’ll launch it. If nothing else, a launch gives us a sense of accomplishment and an excuse for a party.


In all the excitement about the glamorous, high-profile launches, it’s easy to neglect the many small but critical events happening all around you —customer launches. Over time, the cumulative effect of these individual beginnings has a larger impact on your business than any media launch event.


If you’re looking for the low-hanging fruit of value-nurturing strategies, you’ve found it. Something motivated the person to become a customer. Do what you can to guide people to ongoing success before they lose momentum and forget why they signed up.


Creating a customer launch plan makes sense for almost any business and works equally well for subscription-based and traditional business models. There’s almost no excuse not to have a customer launch plan. Plus, there are powerful psychological reasons for taking action right away.


Design the launch plan to get customers working with and realizing value from your solution as quickly as possible. An early success feeds the positive confirmation bias , or our tendency to look for evidence to support the decisions we have already made.


Immediately after making a choice, we look for signs to confirm that the decision was a good one. As behavioral economist Richard Thaler writes in his book Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics , “People have a natural tendency to search for confirming rather than disconfirming evidence.”

在做出决策之后,我们会马上去寻找迹象来佐证这是一个完全正确的决定。行为经济学家 Richard Thaler在他的著作《行为不端:行为经济学的诞生》中写到“人们天生更愿意找寻确定的证据,而不是否认的事实。”

We look for those experiences that prove us right in choosing to subscribe, so the early days of a subscription are a valuable opportunity to supply that confirming evidence.

That’s why the “customer onboarding” or welcome experience is so critical. The first interactions confirm that the subscriber made a sound decision to use the service. Because making decisions takes effort, we’d rather not analyze them repeatedly. If we start using the solution with good results, we will probably continue.





According to ServiceSource, provider of recurring revenue and customer success management solutions, a 90/10 rule applies for new subscribers. If a customer doesn’t start using your solution within ninety days, there’s only a 10 percent chance they’ll become a loyal customer. Although this data may be skewed toward technology solutions, the general concept holds true for nearly all subscriptions. If people don’t start using them, the reasons for subscribing may fade from their memories.


Your launch plan might start with a series of emails with links to videos or other useful resources. Give people a way to opt out. Treat every email, every transaction, and each bit of communication as an opportunity to reinforce the reasons for choosing your business.


Have you ever wondered why Apple invests so heavily in packaging design for its products? From the moment you open the box, you sense that you are using something special, and it colors your experience going forward.


You may not be shipping products in a box, but your initial interactions with customers are the metaphorical equivalent. Pay attention to the details of how your customers unwrap and explore the experience.

The customer journey does not end at the sale; rather, the point of sale is where the story starts to get interesting, at least from the customer’s perspective.


The first act of nurturing value can be as simple as crafting each step of the setup with care.

For example, whenever you subscribe to an application or email service, you inevitably see a message like: “Check your email for a confirmation link.” In the United States, this double opt-in ensures that email subscriptions meet anti-spam regulations. It protects the business by validating that the person signing up for the service is associated with the email account being claimed.



What does that opt-in confirmation email look like to subscribers? What is the tone and style? Do you anticipate any problems that people may have? Where do you send them when they click the link to confirm the subscription? What’s the first thing a new customer is likely to want to see?

Walk through the customer setup process, looking for every opportunity to create the right impression and guide the user to the next step.





Your launch plan might be as simple as a well-constructed welcome email. You do have one, right?

I must confess: I sometimes sign up for applications in the heat of the moment, and then don’t get started with them. I may forget that I have signed up at all. A well-written welcome email can save the day.



When I signed up for the Haiku Deck service for creating online presentations, I wasn’t actually working on a presentation at the time. Months later, I needed to use the service. After searching through my email, I found a welcome letter that refreshed my memory and got me started, including:

  • How to log on (and how to reset a forgotten password) 

  • Links to getting started materials and tutorials

  • A link to frequently asked questions

记得我当初订阅创建在线演示服务Haiku Deck的时候,我当时手头根本就没有什么演示相关的事情在做。而几个月之后,我需要使用这个服务了。我在我的邮箱里找到了欢迎邮件,让我想起了这个应用,同时引导我上手:




Better yet, the email was written in a conversational, friendly style and reminded me why I had signed up for the service. The welcome email can play a critical role for people (like me) who sign up and then wait before taking action.


Another great welcome example comes from Buffer, the social media sharing and scheduling service. Once I signed up for Buffer’s “Awesome” plan, two emails arrived right away.


The first, from the account of co-founder and CEO Joel Gascoigne, welcomed me as a subscriber, setting a personal tone for the ongoing relationship. He also reminded me that I could cancel at any time . Not many businesses do that when you first sign up. Simply seeing that statement made me trust the company just a bit more.

第一封,用这家公司的创始人兼CEO Joel Gascoigne的口吻来欢迎我成为他们的订阅客户,让我感觉这段使用旅程就像人们日常交往一样。同时,他提醒我,我随时都可以取消这个服务订阅,这点并不是所有的服务在你一开始订阅的时候就会告诉你。这些做法让我对这家公司的信任又增进了一些。

The second email was a payment receipt, but here, too, Buffer made the transaction fun and personal, including a picture of the Buffer team at a

work retreat. The email ended with this quote: “We will also do our best to provide great value for you day in and day out.”


Remember what I said about the job of subscription marketing: earning trust and nurturing value? In its two welcome emails, Buffer declared its intention of doing both. Well done.

The launch plan isn’t all about automated emails and online onboarding. Sometimes, the best welcome is personal. The more high-tech your solution, the more powerful a personal connection can be, through email, a phone call, or even a handwritten note.





Technology makes it possible to see what your customers are doing with your solutions and spot whether they’re off to a good start or not. When operating at scale, find ways to automatically track usage and adoption. If it looks like the customer isn’t succeeding, reach out and see if you can help.


Test the onboarding carefully, with people both inside and outside the company.


If you want to see examples of the good, bad, and ugly of user onboarding, check the “teardowns” published by Samuel Hulick on his site, useronboard.com . I guarantee that you will learn something, and return to look at your own onboarding process with fresh eyes.

如果你还想了解更多的优秀的,失败的,甚至糟糕的客户引导方式,你可以参考这个链接useronboard.com里Samuel Hulick 发布的“teardowns”部分。我敢肯定你会学到一些东西,并且会用一个全新的视角回去审视你自己的客户启动流程。


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华为 数字营销部部长,腾讯CSIG市场副总裁、京东科技市场负责人、支付宝B端市场负责人、Google 大中华区及韩国营销平台总经理,微软(中国)首席技术顾问,SAP全球产品营销总监、IBM 高级数字营销顾问,Slack全球数字营销负责人,明略科技 营销科学家,科大讯飞市场副总裁、滴滴企业级总经理,科特勒咨询全球合伙人,工业品B2B营销专家,《超级转化率》作者,《小群效应》作者,《订阅经济》作者,《产品运营新物种》作者,《流量黑洞》作者,公众号《SaaS白夜行》主笔

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致趣百川 CMO ,火眼云CMO,甲骨文营销云CMO,京东数科CMO,红圈营销 CMO,火石创造 CMO,石墨文档CMO、云学堂CMO、致趣百川 SVP,网易智慧企业部 CMO ,亚布力企业家论坛 CMO,侣程科技 CMO,聆通助听 CMO,华润创业 投资副总裁,保利威 市场副总裁,北森 市场副总裁 ,神策数据 市场副总裁 ,销售易 市场副总裁 ,盖雅工场 业务副总裁 ,六度人和EC 市场副总裁,极光科技 市场副总裁,红圈营销 市场副总裁,分贝通 市场副总裁,谷川联行 副总裁,乐言科技副总裁,智慧芽 市场副总裁 ,环信 市场副总裁 ,蓝凌 市场副总裁 ,盟主直播 市场副总裁,才云科技 COO ,深绘智能COO,云学堂COO,有米科技,市场副总裁 ,才到云 市场副总裁 ,明源云 市场副总裁 ,极验 市场副总裁,睿在云 副总裁,国舜股份 市场副总裁 ,集时通讯 运营副总裁 ,鼎捷集团 副总裁 ,创蓝253 副总裁  ,杉数科技 副总裁,百望股份 市场副总裁 ,视源股份 高级副总裁。
金蝶 华南市场总监 ,用友 华南市场总监,领英Linkedin客户总监,阿里钉钉 行业负责人,阿里钉钉 市场整合营销负责人,腾讯大数据 部门负责人,短书 市场总监,友盟+ 市场总监,北森云计算 品牌总监,戴尔 市场总监,森海塞尔 B端市场总监,贺利氏大中华区市场总监,Informatica 大中华区市场总监,世邦集团 数字营销总监,泛微 市场总监,纷享销客 全国品牌总监 ,袋鼠云 市场总监,观远数据 市场总监 ,GrowingIO 市场总监 ,Teambition 市场总监,玉符科技 市场总监 ,有谱科技 运营总监 ,大象声科 市场总监,才云科技 市场总监 ,竹间科技 市场总监 ,铂金智慧 市场总监 ,伯俊软件 市场总监,英方 市场总监,火眼云 市场总监,开域集团 市场总监,特易资讯 市场总监,一知智能 市场总监,云徙科技 市场总监,即构科技 市场总监,图普科技 市场总监,新华三集团 市场总监,易观方舟 数字营销总监 ,博雅立方 站内SEO总监,DataPipeline 市场总监 ,怡亚通 市场总监,小源科技 市场总监,标普云 市场总监 ,阔知 市场总监 ,Trax 市场总监 ,京翰教育 市场总监,神州信息 产品总监。


